The Great Mystery of the Magnetic Covid-19 Vaccine.

Mario Strada
5 min readJun 12, 2021

Magic or long debunked pseudoscience?

In the last few days, news outlets in the USA have covered a Covid vaccination conspiracy theory that went viral for all the wrong reasons.

In an Ohio legislature committee meeting discussing House Bill 248, also known as “Vaccine Choice and Anti-Discrimination Act” (don’t you already feel better now that you have the choice to stand in line with someone unvaccinated for Covid-19?), Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, an osteopathic physician and right wing shill, tried to sell the legislature on the notion that the Covid-19 vaccine makes people magnetic.

Following that rather bizarre claim, Joanna Overholt a nurse (maybe, sources differ on her qualifications) or nurse in training, or maybe someone that really would like to study nursing as soon as they finish watching Netflix, took the floor and with the zeal of the newly converted, stated that the vaccine injections are magnetizing people and she can prove it!
Let me repeat their claim: These people think the vaccine is making people magnetic!

I watched in disbelief as Doctor Overholt O.P. (not M.D.), and later nurse Overholt, claimed that the Covid19 vaccine ingredients magnetized those that took the vaccine. The nurse even proceeded to show us a “demonstration”, with a brass house key (brass is a non magnetic metal, a minor issue for magic magnetism) and enough self righteousness to magnetize a battleship.



Mario Strada

I was born in Italy, but I lived for the past 30+ years in the USA.