I tested Negative for Covid-19. How safe am I?

Mario Strada
3 min readApr 6, 2020

A few days ago I wrote about my experience with the Covid-19 testing.

I am happy to report both my wife and I were negative for the Covid-19 virus. I should feel a lot better about it, especially in view of the symptoms both my wife and I had in the past few weeks, symptoms that could have been related to a mild form of Covid-19.

This test was administered by projectbaseline.com, a company affiliated with Google’s parent entity. It was a drive through, well organized effort, but it was limited to four locations in or around the San Francisco Bay Area. As of this writing, testing is still a precious commodity both in our area and in the rest of the country.

Obviously, we are both relieved we don’t have the virus. My wife has had severe health issues for the past 20+ years, including respiratory and cardiac problems. For my part, I have always been exceptionally healthy. I haven’t had the common cold since I can remember, certainly not in adulthood, and whenever my wife caught a seasonal flu, laying her down for days or weeks, I usually would feel a bit “down” for maybe a day or two.

Of course, that ignores the Hepatitis C, since cured, that forced me to have a liver transplant fifteen or so years ago.

Because of our health status and our age (we are both in our early 60s) we qualified for the test.

Now what? Should we go out and celebrate? Hardly.
The country is locked down (or should be, even the most…



Mario Strada

I was born in Italy, but I lived for the past 30+ years in the USA.