Mario Strada
1 min readJun 7, 2022


I am well aware of the history of the Azov battallion, but just to give you an example, Italy has a Airborne unit called Folgore that has been a nest of neonazi and neo-fascists since the 60s. If there ever is a fascist coup d'etat you can bet your last dollar those guys would be involved.

I was an officer in a different unit, but they were soldiers just like I was, because they skated at the very edge of legality as far as ita;lian law went.

Other countries have similar problems and god forbid we take a look at the various Partisan resistance in WWI, especially in France, Italy, the former Yougoslavia, etc.

Partisans spent more time fighting each otehr than blowing up nazis, talk about strange bedfellows, but still they played a role in the resistance.

I am an Antifascist, and I have friends that are currently in Ukraine and they occasionally have the time to let me know the situation on the ground. They are also antifascists like me, but they are not very worried about Nazis in ukraine. Especially with the Russians at the gates. They can sort them out later on, since as far as I know, the neo-nazi element is really no larger than those in other western democracies.



Mario Strada

I was born in Italy, but I lived for the past 30+ years in the USA.