How women get killed

Mario Strada
5 min readApr 2, 2024

While I would have phrased your sentence differently, I think I understand where you are coming from and I believe I share the same feelings.

Part of me feels I should chide you for the objectification of your ideal woman, part of me agrees with you completely.

Also, both men and women tend to objectify their sexual ideal. At least lots of them do.

What is mildly shocking is to see it written down, but if you ever browse a comment section written by women about some hot dude, you’ll clearly see that women, young and otherwise, objectify their idols, and men in general, as much as we do.

What I do not condone, never have and never will, is to expect the object of our lust to conform to our fantasies, or else.

That’s where the differences become stark.

When men lust after a woman the equation is suddenly very different and very dangerous. Every woman I know has a story or two about men obsessing over them. Some of these stories are very scary.

Women die violently every day because some guy builds a fantasy world in his mind and decides that he wants to turn into reality.

When that fantasy shatters, it really doesn’t matter how sensitive and empathetic the woman behaves, the man sees it as his due and that’s how many women end up on “Discovery ID” or “Dateline”.

“But she flirted with me and then she didn’t want to give it up” said every guy holding a dripping knife over a…



Mario Strada

I was born in Italy, but I lived for the past 30+ years in the USA.