How I got tested for Covid-19. It wasn’t easy.

Mario Strada
11 min readMar 30, 2020

Today, March 30 2020, I was tested for Covid-19. I live in Sacramento, California. I should be one of many being tested, but instead I am still one of the lucky few, at least among those that don’t have catastrophic symptoms, and I was fortunate I was tested at all. More on that later.

Covid-19 virus. Testing is still lagging behind

I knew we were in for a Pandemic when news from China and Italy started trickling in and president Trump dismissed the danger in his typical, simplistic and simple minded way. It was like getting the news from a toddler. I found all his official press conferences surreal given how dangerous and widespread the pandemic is.

It was clear to most well informed people that we were in for a long, painful experience, but that didn’t become evident to those listening to the president for weeks.

I have family in Italy: my mother, my brother and sister and a smattering of cousins, nephews and nieces. Despite my brother initial claims that the whole thing was an “overreaction”, I read the Italian papers and watched the RAI (Radio Televisione Italian, the Italian state TV) where my brother’s opinion was definitely in the minority. I knew things were really bad and I also knew that there was no way we could keep it in check in the USA unless we took drastic measures and did a lot of testing.



Mario Strada

I was born in Italy, but I lived for the past 30+ years in the USA.